Tipping Etiquette
A tip is a gift or sum of money tendered for a service performed or anticipated. It is given voluntarily or beyond obligation. Tipping is prevalent worldwide, but few commonly accepted practices are as fraught with confusion. Here are a few guidelines on tipping.
- Tip 20% for excellent service, 15% for very good service, and 10% for adequate.
- Tip on the before-tax price.
- Carry a lot of dollar bills.
- Do not tip if automatic gratuity is included.
- Do not make a show of your generosity.
- Do not be intimidated into a tip.
- At least say thank-you.
Folklore has it that tipping began generations ago in England when an employee put a moneybox on a table and wrote the words to insure promptness on it. The first three letters of each word survived to make up our word tip. Tipping is a personal act based on the quality of service a person has received, and the practices in the country where that person is travelling.
Here is a list that suggests what is generally considered to be adequate amounts to tip various people for services rendered.