Hangovers (causes and remedies)
Causes of hangovers.
- ADH (Anti Diuretic Hormone) production is reduced (Water loss, dehydration)
- Congeners (Byproducts of fermentation) are formed, toxins
- Headache is due to drying out effect on brain tissue toxins in drink
- Insulin production stimulated, reduced blood glucose = Drowsiness, Faintness, Trembling. Hunger
- Tiredness is due to less restfull sleep low blood sugar
- Because body's cells are dehydrated, acid-base metabolism is altered
- Alcohol upsets bodys metabolism and causes rise in stomach blood acidity
- Nausea indigestion is due to alcohol irritating stomach lining increased acidity.
- Sleep as long as possible
- Drink loads of water before bed or during the night
- Dioralyte oral rehydration salts or antacid
- Avoid caffeine, diuretic, will dehydrate you further will upset stomach
- Vigorous exercise before bed or the next day (Long drunken walk)
- Have a Paracetamol before going to bed or during the night (less damaging to stomach than aspirin)
- Prairie Oyster drink (Raw egg, Lemon Juice, Pepper Worcester Sauce)
- Don't have "Hair of the dog" the next morning
- Roche Berrocca B-Vitamins the next morning
- Fizzy drinks such as Alka Seltzer or Resolve
- Brush teeth vigorously, also roof of mouth and scrape tongue
- Take six Evening Primrose Oil capsules before drinking, or when you arrive home
- Herb silymarin, boosts liver's capability of degrading alcohol
Drinks renowned for Congeners (toxins causing hangovers)
(from worst to least)
- Brandy
- Dark Rum
- Red Wine
- Port
- Sherries
- Vermouth
- Beer
- Whisky
- Gin
- White wine
- Lager
- Vodka
(The darker and sweeter the drink, the more likely it is to cause a hangover)